Be part of the Ciderthon Crew as a Volunteer
We need help manning some of our epic cider stations, and help as part of our production team at the finish line. If you think you could lend a hand, please sign up below and we’ll send you some more information. We’re extremely grateful for any help you can give. So much so that we will give you the following for your kind pair of hands:
An awesome Cider Crew T-shirt and a Buff
Free spot at the Campsite with the access to all facilities and extras like outdoor cinema
Free cider at the stations
Sign up below!
Support the Ciderthon
as an Ambassador
We are always on the lookout for ambassadors, and would love to work with you.
In exchange for running one competition on your socials (offering a pair of free tickets to Ciderthon), you will also get free entry invites to partner events and some goodies at the event. We both gain attention and followers, and get a fantastic party at the end of it all. Not bad for a days work!
Please register below.
Epic personality. Large following with clear interest to fitness, cider, running, lifestyle, wellbeing, sports or related industries. Be that person who is always up for a run or a cider!